Covid Safe City

Powered By FastSensor

Smarter Contact Tracing and Social Distance solutions using the first AI-powered human behavior mapping and interpretation platform.

Get back to the Office safely

Active Distance Alert and Monitoring, or ADAM, provides up-to-the-minute data on the proximity and concentration of everyone in your location(s) using real-time monitoring of personal devices, wearable accessories, and individual alerts, allowing you to create a safer, distance-friendly environment in today's new normal

Fastsensor Safe City

The FastSensor safe cities solution makes commercial and business areas more Covid-safe. The solution overcomes community fatigue, with a single sign-in coupled with world leading journey mapping sensors.

Introducing FastSensor - the first AI-powered, on-site, journey mapping system. Features include:

· Density mapping - Our sensors automatically alert business owners and authorities when too many people congregate in an area.

· Sign-in once – Scan our QR Code once. Our FastSensors do the rest recording your presence anytime you come in range.

· Privacy compliant - Everyone who scans our QR-Code receives a SMS to Opt-In to the Covid-Safe City program. Contact Tracing is automated for all those who opt-in. Opt-out people are counted in the density mapping, but these people cannot be personally identified.

FastSensor can track social distancing.

As seen on 10news

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